Who is your Sherpa?

Dreaming God-sized dreams is an amazing (and sometimes scary) journey, and it’s even more incredible when you get to that place where you realize it’s not all up to you,…

The girl in the mirror…

Today, for Mom-Monday, I’m sharing a previous post with a question I got from a reader about eating disorders, as well as some resources, in the hope that it might help…

Sometimes a mom needs to be told she is a good mom

The kids and I pause in the kitchen, listening to the rain outside. It’s coming down harder now, slapping against the patio overhang and the windows. “The bird!” my daughter…

My God-Sized Dream

“God-sized dream = a desire for more of what God has for you” – Holley Gerth. I have to confess; that’s how I think most of the time, always looking forward…

What is cleaned out… becomes a gift

I love to clean things out — closets, cupboards, the pantry, you name it. I love the feeling that comes from getting rid of clutter. (Our local Salvation Army knows…

Praying for snow cones…

My daughter and I pulled up to the pool where she practices for swim team every day.  She opened the car door to get out. “I hope the snow cone…