Living with a one-month perspective

I still have it–this note on my mirror: I walked by it the other day and paused, remembering the One-Month journey I took a few years ago after reading the New…

Every smile, every laugh, every tear…

“You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8 I tiptoe into to my daughter’s room to check if she’s…

Hold onto hope…

Most of the time, I try to keep things light around here. I love having a place to capture sentimental or fun snippets of life, and I’m so thankful that all of you…


My mother-in-law gave me a ceramic plant decoration a while ago that I absolutely love: It has special meaning to me, not only because it’s from her, but because of my…

On pursuing your dreams…

More on pursuing your dreams: Finding My Story Six Ways to Help Your Kids Pursue Their Dreams On Being a Fanner of Dreams Are You Dreaming? Lessons from the Rock…

The moments… now

More on enjoying the moments now: Little Bits and Pieces of Happiness… This beautiful end of summer with my little girl And I held on tight… The Moment I Almost…