My mother-in-law gave me a ceramic plant decoration a while ago that I absolutely love:
It has special meaning to me, not only because it’s from her, but because of my involvement with Courage Worldwide, helping girls who have been victims of sex trafficking.
I’ve seen more courage in the last couple of years than I have in my whole life—courage of the girls in their journey to healing, and courage of staff and volunteers who are giving their lives to change the lives of others.
It has inspired me to live more courageously…
to say yes to things I might’ve said no to before,
to be more bold,
and to hold back less.
It’s been amazing, and new doors keep opening.
Courage is funny that way.
The more you move forward and do something in spite of fears or insecurities, the more opportunities you have to move forward and do something.
Are you feeling like you need more courage today?
I invite you to stop by here and here, be inspired, and join in on #BeCourageous. Read stories and quotes that will encourage you and move you to action, and share your own #BeCourageous moments.
Courage is catching.
Sometimes the biggest act of courage is a small one. ~Lauren Raffo
Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared. ~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Moms – are you feeling like you need more courage in your parenting? Stop by The Mom Initiative and subscribe to get your free copy of Facing Our Fears – 30 Stories from MOM. The women who contributed to this book are amazing and I was honored to have two of my stories included.
Thanks for stopping by for Mom-Monday – a day for mom-stories, tips, articles and inspiration!
To join in, all you have to do is add your URL to the link list below and put my button anywhere on your site. It’s as simple as that; no post necessary. Just an easy way for moms to connect with other moms!
“courage is catching” – LOVE that! It is so true. Give it an inch and it will spread and spread. As mom to 2 foster-adopted girls who are still recovering from early neglect and abuse, I appreciate your heart and help for hurting girls. Blessings, sis!
And I love YOUR quote: Give it an inch and it will spread and spread. So true! You sound like a wonderful mama – blessings back to you! :)