Because one day, our nest will be empty…
“A pair of birds built a nest outside our window. They labored over the nest, then eggs were laid.
There were five tiny eggs.
The mother bird sat on those eggs.
She sat and waited.
Finally the day came and the eggs hatched. She worked tirelessly to see that her babies had food. She would find them food and return to feed them and they would squawk and carry on, letting her know that each of them wanted the food she brought for them.
As I watched from my window, I was amazed at the hard work she put into flying back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
And then one day, they were gone.
The nest was quiet.
As I sat looking at the empty nest, I thought about my own house.
This time in my life is busy with raising kids. They are always calling my name and needing something: a snack, a referee, or comfort for an ache.
I sometimes feel like I don’t have enough hands to meet their needs.
My nest is full of life and I am very busy. But soon my nest will be empty. I need to cherish this time when there are hands to hold while I wash them. I need to see their arguments as learning times. I need to feed into their hearts and souls as well as their stomachs. I need to wipe their tears with a gentle hand.
For soon my birds will fly away too.”
-Written by Amy Cherry of Confessions of a would-be supermom
A note:
Last week, after I spoke at MOPS, Amy, one the leaders who invited me to speak, gave me the beautiful, hand-made necklace pictured above, along with her heartwarming story. Thank you, Amy, for letting me share it here. I am sure it will resonate with many moms the way it did with me! (Everyone, please take a minute to stop by Amy’s blog and leave her a note to say hello!)
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