Sandwiched! Parenting Your Parents Too
Many parents today are not only juggling the role of mom or dad to their own kids, they are also caring for their aging parents.
I’m thrilled to be featured over at Mamapedia today with an article about a few moms who have been in this situation, and also some resources and tips that can help you if you are parenting your parents too…
Sandwiched! Parenting Your Parents Too
Jennifer is a mom of three young girls. In addition to juggling her roles as mom and wife, on top of her own pursuits, she spent a year helping to care for her 94-year-old grandmother. During that time, Jennifer traveled to about four hours a day during the week to look after her grandmother. “The biggest challenge was finding time for my own family and for me,” she says. Fitting all these demands into her schedule was difficult. Even exhausting.
Yet Jennifer is not alone. She is a member of “the sandwich generation,” just one of millions of moms and dads caring for aging family members while raising their own children. READ MORE at Mamapedia…
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