How do you know when you’re done having kids?

When my friend Stephanie at Metropolitan Mama sent me the question, “What were the contributing factors that led to your decision to have two kids?”… I had to think about…

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep

Today, for Mom-Monday I’m sharing a helpful article from my writing friend and parenting author Elizabeth Pantley. Any mom knows that sleep is critical (both to baby and mom!). Here are some…

A day (every week) for moms…

I’m a whole lot better at mommy-hood with others by my side. Others like you. Which is why I started Mom-Monday – a day every week dedicated to mom-stories, tips,…

The lesson in the pet aisle at Target…

*post originally published 2009 My daughter and I walked into Target and headed straight for the pet aisle. She had around $40.00 left on a gift card she’d been saving,…

Is the Grass Really Greener?

I led a parenting workshop this past weekend on Finding Mommy Bliss and one of the things I talked about was “Loving Perceptively, Here and Now”–not getting so caught up in…