Finding the beautiful…
Mike’s grandma Nana Mae was someone who never lost sight of the beauty around her. Her personality matched her bright red hair and there wasn’t a time you were with her that she didn’t compliment you or tell you how pretty something was.
I’ll never forget the time Mike and I drove her to Los Angeles for Christmas.
We were at a gas station along our drive on I-5 when Nana pointed her finger out the window and suddenly said, “Beautiful.”
I looked to see what she was talking about…
but all I saw was a green garbage truck pulled over near the gas station.
“That’s a beautiful green,” she said, shaking her head. She was looking right at the truck.
I smiled.
She was talking about a garbage truck, but, still, she saw the beauty in it.
As moms, we can choose whether or not we see the beauty too. We can look for the beautiful right in the middle of what sometimes feels like the garbage of our days—the messes all over the house, the kids’ arguing, the crazy running around.
And we play a huge role in whether or not we set a “beautiful” tone for our families.
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Are you carrying the beauty, moms?
Or are you seeing the garbage truck (like I did) instead of its rich, green color?
Are you catching the memories that are being made right in front of you or are you losing your patience and longing for just-one-minute-alone?
Are you savoring today or are you wanting time to speed up so your kids grow into to the next phase (when hopefully, things will be easier)?
Are you stopping and loving and soaking in these moments of being a mom to a newborn, a six month old, a two year old, or even a teen?
It’s sometimes hard to do (believe me, I know), but that’s where the beauty is – in those intentional moments of soaking it in,
in those choices to appreciate and marvel at all that comes with being a mom.
But when we do that, we find it.
We find the beautiful.
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wishing you many beautiful moments today, moms!
(click on image for free printable)
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That is so profound. I am afraid I miss more beauty that I capture these days. I must slow down and open my eyes wide! Have a beautiful week!
My sweet friend, I’m so sorry it has taken me a while to reply! It’s been busy around here… and your comment was the perfect reminder for me to slow down and see the beauty–today, right where I’m at. :))