Live Your Purpose with Passion (the power is in your personal brand)
Ever wondered about who you really are, and what you’re supposed to be doing?
I’m excited to share my article in Sandpoint Living living magazine that will hopefully give you some answers!

“I had a conversation with a young woman a while ago who’d recently gotten married. She and I were talking about the new phase of life she was in, and I asked her what her biggest challenge was. She answered, ‘I guess I would have to say my own individualism, since I’m in a different phase of life and I’m newly married now. Sometimes I think about who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing … I want to live passionately now, not just in the future.‘
We all have that longing to matter—to do something significant that we are passionate about. But how do you know what that “something” is? How do you find your purpose and live it out with passion? Some of you reading this might be in a place where you’re doing exactly what you know you’re supposed to be doing in this season of your life—and you’re excited about it. And some of you might feel so far from that, you don’t even know where to start. (If that’s you, it’s OK! You’re not alone.) And even if you are operating in your sweet spot, things change as life changes: relationships, jobs, health, finances; all these things can change over time. And especially during those times of change, questions like “What’s my purpose?” and “What am I passionate about?” seem to stare us in the face.
The good news is, the answer to those questions doesn’t lie in having it all figured out…”
Keep reading and learn three things you can do to realize the power of your personal brand — and live your purpose with passion!