Two things to help you find and create work in your sweet spot
With so many people facing work transitions and change right now, I wanted to share a couple quick resources that will hopefully help you right where you’re at!
1. A free guide to help you find meaningful work you love
Whether you’re looking for work, facing ongoing change in your current role or wanting to set out on an entirely new path, this guide can help you move toward your sweet spot and give you clarity for your next step. I created the guide with my good friend and fellow coach Sue Dahl-Robertson (she’s amazing; you’ll love her!) and we’re excited and honored to give you a resource to support you in your journey.
Simply click the image below to download your guide – and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

2. An invitation to The Happy Career Circle
Because finding and operating in your sweet spot doesn’t happen overnight – and because support and encouragement are so important along the way – Sue and I have also started a small and supportive Facebook community The Happy Career Circle. We’d love to have you join us!

The goal of this private community is to give you inspiration, career strategies and an authentic and safe space for you to show up and be seen for your unique strengths and value – and be inspired to take steps to share your gifts with the world.
You’ll find:
• Guidance and support
• Resources and tips
• Information and inspiration
• Career strategies
• Authentic conversation and connection
• Stories and insights from other amazing women
In summary, this will be a place to build you up! And if you’re already in a job where you’re living in your sweet spot, that’s awesome. We’d still love you to join our Facebook group so you can share your journey and insights with others and encourage them along the way. We can’t wait to feature women’s stories and successes; we can learn so much from each other!
Questions or Feedback?
These are challenging times and the journey of finding work (and work you love) is a process. Having a guide beside you can help. I’m happy to talk with you or answer any questions you might have about choosing your path, getting clarity on your strengths or figuring out your next step – so feel free to schedule a free consultation any time.
I’m cheering you on in your journey and hope these resources are helpful to you!
With love,