But Mommy, he LOVES us

We drove into our garage not too long ago and my son yelled, “I just saw a mouse jump out of my soccer backpack!” (We keep his backpack near the door inside the garage.)

Sure enough, after checking his backpack and finding a half-chewed granola bar, we knew we had a visitor during the day.

Later, when we drove into the garage again, I saw the little mouse run down our shoe rack.

We’ve never had mice in our garage before and to be honest, I’m much more freaked out about spiders than mice. (I thought our pet mice were kind of cute.) But the idea of putting my shoes on and finding a wild mouse inside gave me the willies.

We bought some mouse traps.

But when my daughter saw them, she was mortified and said,

“You’re not allowed to kill him! You’re just allowed to shoo him away!”

I explained to her that there’s a big difference between pet mice and wild mice.

To which she replied (completely serious)….

“But, Mommy, he loves us. Why can’t we just let him stay?”

(With the way she is with animals, I think she really is going to be a vet someday.

I think she really is… :)

Related post: 
Considering a Mouse for a Pet?


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  1. It sounds like your daughter is a lot like me! We have a mouse living in our garage, and I refuse to let my husband trap it. It's been there for a month now!

  2. It's just too bad that they multiply so quickly. :)Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Delighted to meet you! Hope you don't mind if I splash around to get to know you a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to dip and get drenched in goodness.Have a joy filled, love overflow Christmas,Sarah

  4. Awww… I’d say yep! You got yourself a lil vet in the making.Doing a bit of hopping …..Hop by Lucy’s when you get a chance.

  5. Mice and Spiders freak me out! My oldest son has been rudely woke up in the early a.m.(when dad's out of town) with me handing him a butterfly net to catch a mouse the cat trapped in my room! Anything that carries the plague can move out! And spiders? Well, the boys are big enough I do not have to be brave any more! It's their turn!

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