And I realized all over again how fast time flies

Genny Heikka I realized all over again how fast time fliesLife is short and time flies. 

I’m popping into this post (that I wrote years ago, below) with this introduction update because this is the most-visited post on my website, and if there’s something I’ve seen in my years of coaching, it’s that we all long to find our purpose and live it.

We don’t want to waste our lives.

We want to do something meaningful and we want to have an impact. 

But sometimes, we just don’t know what that is.

So if you’re landing on this page because you’re feeling time fly, and you don’t want to waste another day, I want to share a resource that can help:


No catch – just sharing in case it can be helpful in your life! You can always feel free to reach out at Her Team Success too and touch base about coaching if interested. (My passion and joy is to come alongside people and help them find their purpose and live it with passion!)

And now, the post I originally wrote from a time in my own life that I realized how fast time flies… 

One minute you have a baby.

And the next minute, you’re getting ready to send her off to kindergarten. Or middle school. Or college…

It’s crazy how fast our kids grow up, but they do.

It’s crazy how fast time flies.

But it does.

And those little ones of ours have birthday after birthday, and the demands for diaper changes, bottles and constant attention go away.

But so do the moments of holding them in your arms and rocking them to sleep. Of seeing them take their first steps, and hearing them say, “Mama” for the first time.

So while you’re waiting for those little ones to get older, go hug them.

And rock them.

And take plenty of pictures and videos.

Savor every moment.

Notice the time — the time that’s passing.

Last Thursday, I was at a MOPS meeting, and I was sitting next to a mom and her little four-month-old daughter. The baby was as sweet as ever–smiling, pulling on her bib, looking up at her mama, then around the room with wide eyes.

When she started to get a little restless, I offered to take her and walk her around the room so the mom could relax and listen to the guest speaker.

It had been a while since I’d held a little one like that.

I’d forgotten how tiny hands and feet can be. It seems like just yesterday my eight-year-old and ten-year-old were babies, too.

Just yesterday I got to marvel at each new thing they did–their first smiles, their first words, their first steps. There were nights rocking them to sleep, singing, praying, snuggling… my eyes stinging with tears from the overwhelming love I felt.

I remember feeling scared, too, hoping I’d be a good mom. There were questions and uncertainties and “what ifs” that I worried about.

And of course there were temper tantrums and sleepless nights, and plenty of days I thought I’d never get a minute to myself.

When you have kids, everyone always tells you to enjoy each moment because time flies. And even though it sounds cliche’, the more time that passes, the more I see that it’s true.

So if you’re in that place of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the responsibilities of motherhood, if you’re exhausted from toddlers constantly tugging at your legs, or if you’re counting the days until your babies get older so they can be more self sufficient, be encouraged…

Because time does fly.

It really does. :)

(To read more articles stories and articles, pick up a copy of my book Finding Mommy Bliss or click on encouragement, parenting or inspiration on the sidebar of my blog page. And to view speaking videos on making the most of life and parenting, see my speaking page.)


  1. With my youngest being 16 the realization of how fast they grow is really staring me in the face. While I love watching my kids grow and experience new things, there are times I wish they needed me to tie their shoe or read them a story before bed.

  2. Wah! :-( Since my oldest just went into kindergarten, I'm hyper aware of this. Plus hubby just got fixed so there's this horrible awareness that I'm never going to have any more babies!! :-(

  3. Ali

    I have two children, 18mo. and 7wks.I have days when I wish they were both more independent. I feel this way when I'm changing poopy diapers back-to-back or cleaning up my son's lunch mess followed by laundering my daughter's spit-up stained clothes.But overall, I pray everyday that I can live in the moment with them. They are absolute precious gifts from God, and I try my darndest not to take a single day for granted.

  4. Such wise words! And such a good idea… I'm going to listen and obey! :)Blessings-AManda

  5. Jessica–Waaah is right! I got so sentimental thinking about this. Time is passing way too quickly.Jamie, Ali, and Amanda–thanks for sharing. I love watching my kids grow and experience new things too. I've just been really struck lately by how fast they are growing up!

  6. I think every mom experiences moments of frustration: wanting the kids to be older, or more independent and less clingy. That's why (as you've said before) it's so important to take moments for yourself. I think you have to get away from all that neediness once in awhile. That way, when you come back, you can really appreciate (and enjoy!) the time you DO have.Great post!

  7. I've seen two leave the nest…and another is nearing her senior year of high school. WOW! It does sneak up on you. I think having the Missy Moo (toddler girl) in addition to the other teens makes it a little easier to see them grow up so fast. "Enjoy it while it lasts." (Woody from A Toy Story)

  8. So very true!! My son is 7 and my daughter is 5. After my son was born, I remember everyone telling me to enjoy it because it goes so fast. At the time, I couldn't imagine that he would be anything but my baby or my toddler. Him growing up seemed so far in the future… he's in 2nd grade and growing taller every day. My daughter, my baby, is now in kindergarten but I homeschool her….I think a small part of me wanted to keep her home just one more year, to keep her "my baby" just a little bit longer. Thanks for reminding me how we shouldn't lose sight of today and to not let these precious moments slip by without savoring them.

  9. Emily–great reminder to take time for ourselves, too. And Kellie, I love the Toy Story quote. BTW, I just heard that Toy Story is coming out again, in 3D. :)

  10. Genny,Your post tugs on my heart. I have a 6 year old Sofia, 5 year old Joseph, 3 1/2 year old Preston and 20 month old Dominic. I have my share of days when I "can't wait for them to get a little older."But, I attended my 20 year high school reunion this weekend (without husband or children), which required me to travel out of state. In a mere 48 hours of being away, I realized, again, how precious this time is…I missed them. I couldn't sleep in as I had planned, as I still woke up early wondering why they had not crawled in bed with me as they do every morning. I hugged and held my best friend's 3 year old, until I'm certain she was sick of Aunt Lisa. And today back at home, in a quiet moment with myself, while all are either in school or napping, had an overwhelming feeling of pure gratitude come over me. I love My Cup 2 Yours. I need to take more time to myself to read it!xoxo Lisa Accarino McHenry

  11. And now ten with babies aged 19 years to 19months you understand just what I couldn't seem to give up.

  12. Oh Genny how right you are! My babies are 9 and 4 and time flies so fast. I was thinking the other day that the days are numbered when I won't be able to hold my 4 yr old in my arms. I miss cuddling with them and feeling their baby breathe on my neck. So yes cherish every moment! BTW, thanks for the sweet comment asking if my R1 was feeling better. I think we are finally on the road to recovery!!

  13. My oldest baby is 13, next one is 10, then 6, and my baby baby is 4. I would rewind time in a heartbeat, especially that precious time with my eldest!

  14. Are you a mentor mom, Genny? I was a MOPS coordinator for 3 years and in MOPS for 6. I am so completely thankful for a group like that during those years with babies. I might not have survived otherwise. My mentor moms are still some of my best friends now and I still go to them for advice. This is such a great post – savor every moment – it goes way too fast.

  15. Janel-Yes, I'm a Mentor Mom and Mentor Mom Coordinator for MOPS. It's been so much fun; such wonderful women / moms!

  16. So true! My son is 13 now and in 8th grade. Someone told me, early on, that it all starts going REALLY fast when they enter grade school, and that was the truth. Suddenly months turned into years, and we were always looking forward to the next soccer game, the next holiday, the next test at school. And now we're looking at high school in less than a year! Wise advice here!

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