What I’ve Learned…

My One Month hosted by My Cup 2 Yours
Thank you to everyone who participated in My One Month! I loved reading all your posts and comments, and I was inspired by your stories and what you shared.

By the end of this week, I’ll select one (or more) post to put up here for a little while. I’ll also forward the post(s) to the authors of One Month to Live for consideration to use on their website. If you haven’t had a chance to read some of the “One Month” stories that people have written, take a few minutes to check them out here. You won’t be disappointed.

It’s been an awesome, put-it-all-in-perspective month for me. I’ve learned so many things…

I’ve learned to worry less and pray more.

I’ve learned, when my daughter says, “I want a long hug, Mommy,” to hold on until she lets go. Even if it’s late at night. Or even if I’m in a hurry.

I’ve learned to have more fun.

And say yes more often.

I’ve learned, as a parent, that even though I’ll make plenty of mistakes, the only thing that really matters is if my kids know, at the end of each day, how much I love them.

I’ve learned how much peace my faith brings me.

And I’ve learned how much my relationships with my family and friends matter.

I’ve learned to take more risks.

And doubt myself less.

And I’ve learned to let things like the laundry sit there, undone, while my kids and I read together, or play a game, or go outside.

Even though it sounds ironic, in the middle of one of the busiest months ever–with a new position and writing deadlines and a full schedule–I’ve learned to be more disciplined about taking time for myself and others. And prioritizing.

It’s been a month of focus and change for me. And even though I definitely don’t “have it all figured out”, I’m thankful for the way this month—and the way this book—has affected me.

Because I don’t think a day will go by from now on where I won’t stop and ask myself, “If I really had one month to live…?”

And if I can continue to look at relationships, decisions, and priorities from a “One Month” perspective, then I know, no matter how many months I have left of this life I’ve been given, I won’t have any regrets when it’s over. :)


  1. I’ve enjoyed reading yours and others thoughts this month. I have to admit, I was too afraid to take on the challenge. Not because I don’t want to choose fun over chores (no problem there for me), but because the thought hits just a tad too close to home and is too uncomfortable to examine closely. Even so, I do find myself considering the thought when choosing between something that suits just me and an option that will be one more page in my children’s memory book. It really does help keep things in perspective. May your whole family be blessed by your new outlook.

  2. Genny, thank you so much for directing our focus towards this for the past month. I know it has helped me in many decisions I've made and helped me realize what truly is important.They say it takes 30 days to establish a habit, so I trust that although the month is coming to a close, that what I've learned during this time will continue to impact my life and my choices. Not selfishly, but responding in a way that would be pleasing and honouring to God.Have a great day!Love & prayers,Joy

  3. Genny, this has been an awesome month, reading about your journey. I could not express myself well on my post, but this feature you have done has challenged me…and changed me. Thank you SO MUCH!

  4. This has been a great month and I think it has been amazing to read you stories and join you on this journey. Thanks again.

  5. Thank you for the challenge, Genny! Though I only started my one month a few days ago, I can already feel a difference in the way I approach my daily tasks. There is a whole lot more levity in our home. My baby girl and I went grocery shopping the other day, and when we came out of the store, it was POURING! We, of course, had no umbrella, and at first, I was frustrated, and wondered how on earth I was going to get to the car with all of these groceries, load up, etc. But then it struck me…this is just going to be fun! I ran through the parking lot pushing her in the cart, and the two of us squealed and laughed and got soaking wet! It was a moment that I actually remembered to have a little fun. Thank you for that!

  6. Genny, we all need to be reminded to live life to the fullest – enjoying the smallest things, the beautiful sunsets, and time spent with our loved ones. Thank you for reminding us just how much satisfaction we gain.

  7. I loved following this series… and though I wasn’t blogging and able to post throughout it, I did find myself thinking about this concept and disussing it with friends. Loved this!! Thanks for sharing this idea and challenge with us!

  8. Good summation of all the things one month should be… I really enjoyed reading the other posts and trying to focus in a positive way! Thanks Genny!

  9. Those are some valuable lessons! While I never got a post together myself, it has been a topic of much discussion at my house. I too want to live with no regrets. Thanks so much for hosting this.

  10. Genny I loved all the different posts that people put up. Thanks for the challange , it was fun to think about and work on.Carpe Diem – no regrets !

  11. I love the long hug one, and leaving the laundry while you play with your kids. My daughter comes to me and says “You wanna read a book with me Mama?” in a little high-pitched two-year-old voice. I want to put the laundry down and spend time with her, but it’s a choice every time! Too agenda-oriented I guess. But I am learning! :)Carrie

  12. How wonderful this was. I wish I woudl have participated. Not sure how I missed it.

  13. How wonderful this was. I wish I woudl have participated. Not sure how I missed it.

  14. I really enjoyed following you through this month. Even though I didn’t participate like I thought I would, I always came away from your blog thinking about what you said. I am going to get the book and put in my pile of books to read.Thank you for challenging me to keep things in perspective.

  15. Genny,It was a great month and I’m so glad I joined in. It helped me to reprioitize my life and enjoy the little things.Thank you for being obedient and sharing what God has spoken to you.Bless you, Cindy

  16. I allowed myself to miss out on a great opportunity. Such a great thing you did…….I can’t wait to read more…..I loved reading what you’ve learned!

  17. Loved reading what you’ve learned. I seem to relearn the same lessons over and over again. Some stick, some don’t. I’m all for having more fun with the family!

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