Where is she getting that from?

The kids have been at Grandma and Grandpa’s for a few days and Mike and I have been enjoying some time alone, so I’m putting up a post from my archives (which turns out…

If you’re having one of those days…

Happy Mom-Monday, everyone! I saw this quick video over at my friend Kim’s blog and had to share it. If you’re having one of those days, hopefully this (or some chocolate!) will make you smile:…

On being a mom and a gardener

For Mother’s Day this year, my son gave me a hand-painted ceramic pot with a fabric flower inside it.   There was a poem, too: It was the perfect gift…

Labor and… a latte?

I was writing in a coffee shop a while ago when a man came in and bought a latte for his wife. Beaming, he announced that she just went into…

How do I raise grateful kids?

It’s a question many parents think about. I know I do. As a mom, one of the things that’s most important to me is raising kids who are thankful for what…