A day to visit other moms…

I’ve been spending most of my writing time lately working on a magazine article, so I’m a little behind on writing posts here. I started one a few days ago…

A note about picky eaters…

The other day my son came up to me and said, “You know what would be the perfect day, Mom?” “What?” I asked. “A day where I could have orange…

Sandwiched! Parenting Your Parents Too

Many parents are not only juggling the role of mom or dad to their own kids, they are also caring for their aging parents. Today for Mom-Monday, I’m sharing an…

The gift of an ordinary day

My neighbor Barbara forwarded me this video and I just had to share it. I watched it for about a minute before the tears started falling. It’s poignant, and beautiful,…

A bridal shoot you absolutely don’t want to miss

Remember when I shared the story about my friend Carole’s daughter and what happened in the bridal shop in Las Vegas? Since then, Carole told her neighbor Debbie about it. Debbie happens to be…

The best one-sentence parenting advice

The road of parenting wasn’t meant to be walked alone. It’s so helpful to be able to get together with other moms and talk about what’s working and what’s not…