Checking in with a quick note…

Hi everyone, I’m just popping in to let you know I’ll be away from here for a little while.  (I have a few writing deadlines to meet, it’s  my son’s…

Who is your Sherpa?

Dreaming God-sized dreams is an amazing (and sometimes scary) journey, and it’s even more incredible when you get to that place where you realize it’s not all up to you,…

My God-Sized Dream

“God-sized dream = a desire for more of what God has for you” – Holley Gerth. I have to confess; that’s how I think most of the time, always looking forward…

Inspiring Stories of Adoption: Twice the Joy…

Today, for Mom-Monday, I am sharing an article I wrote that was originally published in Sacramento Parent Magazine, a great magazine in my area that I love to write for….