Daily Peace (and how to find it)

I pray sometimes when I workout. I know I must look funny, sitting there at the gym on the exercise bike with my eyes closed, but that time—with my body moving…

I remember 9/11

When I used to work at Hewlett Packard, before Mike and I had kids, I traveled to New York on a business trip. I visited the usual tourist attractions, but…

A Worrying Mom (and how not to be one)

For the fifth time in an hour, I leaned over my newborn daughter’s bassinet and checked to make sure she was okay. Thoughts of SIDS and fears of her getting…

Praying for Snow Cones

My daughter and I pulled up to the pool where she practices for swim team every day. She opened the car door and got out. “I hope the snow cone…

The answer to parenting…

I’m over at 5MinutesforFaith today with a post about the answer to parenting. Come on over and share!

Five ways to become a more grateful mom…

Welcome Mom-Monday, everyone!  I had so much fun talking with other moms about gratitude at the live webchat last week that I decided to do a two-part series about the topic…