You’re pretty

I was walking into the locker room at the gym the other day when a woman passed me and said, out of the blue, “You’re pretty.” I did sort of a…

Be joyful… always?

It was early in the morning, right after I woke up, and I heard my kids laughing down the hall. I tip-toed toward their rooms, wondering what was so funny….

The power of (a mom’s) words

Words. They can create a sense of belonging… They can remind us of priorities… They can encourage… They can calm… They can soothe… They can increase faith… And they can inspire……

The story about my son and the light bulbs

I grab my purse off the counter and hurry toward the door. “Wait,” my ten-year-old says, coming down the stairs, a flashlight in his hands. I’ve gotta show you something.”…

If we treat them like a treasure

they will become a treasure…   Do I love you because you’re beautiful, Or are you beautiful because I love you? ~Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella Thank you,…