
  1. I learned of you watching Goodday this morning. I am a beginner when it comes to anything blogging. I rediscovered my love of writing that first started in high school way long time ago. I wrote romance suspense stories by hand sitting in my science classes. Now almost 30 years later and thanks to a dream back in 2012 I am lost in writing, anything romance, that is in between working full time, married 2 kids 10 and 13. I don’t write every day but I think and mull over something about my story every day that is which ever one I am working on because my brain is bombarded with them ever since and I finally got the gumption to sign up with an online publisher since I had no idea how to e-publish, boy was it a lesson but it is being distributed this month. I was inspired listening to you this morning and I wanted to thank you for reminding me that there are people out there juggling motherhood, work, marriages and general life altering Sundays where you just want to hide from your kids who getting eaten out in the back yard by bugs, throwing temper tantrums, there is not an age limit for that by the way. And a husband who also has 2 jobs and trying to get through his Bachelors program. I’m happily hiding out on the back deck writing of course after I put my laundry away.

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