Will be back in a bit (with a whole new look!)

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well (and surviving the crazy heat wave; it’s been 109 here in California!).

I’m just popping in to let you know I’ll be away from here for a few weeks, but will be back in mid-August. I’m super excited to share that I recently got a book contract for Finding Mommy Bliss (hard copy, trade version) with Hallway Publishing, a new imprint of Winter Goose Publishing, and I’ll be working feverishly on revisions to that manuscript for a while. We also have a few trips planned this month and I’m looking forward to spending time with Mike and the kids, friends and family.

In the meantime, let’s stay connected on Facebook and twitter! I’m also still recording my Part-Time Author Podcast and would love to have you stop over there each week.

I can’t wait to share my new website with you when I return (a whole new redesign is in the works and I’m loving it!). I’ll see you soon!

Have a beautiful July!
