Talking about creating quality time over at Mamapedia

iStock_000013745254XSmallCreating Quality Time by Ignoring the Clock…

One Saturday, when my daughter and I were out running errands, she climbed into the front of the car and with a huge smile on her face, stood up through the sunroof. “I’ve always wanted to do this!” she shouted, reaching her hands to the sky.

Even though we weren’t moving (we were parked in front of a store), she was having a blast.

“This is so fun!” she laughed.

And that’s how our whole morning went.

She and I had started out earlier to run errands…

I had my list of things to do and was looking forward to being productive.

But a few minutes after leaving the house, as we neared the Starbucks around the corner, a thought came to me…

I'm a featured blogger on Mamapedia Voices


READ THE REST OF THE STORY over at Mamapedia Voices (a great site for moms). I’m excited to be over there today and hope you join me!



  1. kristie

    Loved this…. I to enjoy the slowing down and smelling the roses…. I had to send this to my husband so he could read…. we were at Costco the other day and the two girls found the massage chairs and he was rushing rushing rushing them…. I told him to go ahead and get in line, we’d relax some for him…

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Kristie. Your comment made me smile. Good for you for stopping and enjoying those chairs!

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