How my book came to be a Snippet

When I first started my parenting blog several years ago, I had no idea what I was doing, other than I knew I wanted to share some of my writing and parenting articles with moms.

I was instantly struck by the sense of community online and the desire among moms to connect with each other. There seemed to be such an openness about all that comes with being a parent (the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly), and it taught me to be more open in my own parenting journey.

It also helped me find my writing voice. I was encouraged and inspired by the stories and comments from women on my blog, and I wanted to find a way to bring more moms together and encourage them too.

So I began writing a book for moms. About seven months later, I finished the first draft of Finding Mommy Bliss.

That was in 2009.

I wrote a proposal for it, sent it to an agent (Chip MacGregor)… and held my breath, hoping he liked it.

The good news was, he did.

But the not-so-good news (for me at the time) was that he declined it, explaining that the market wasn’t right for that type of book just then, and that I needed to continue to build my platform. He said he’d be happy to look at it again in the future.

A few years passed and, after many revisions and edits to my manuscript, I emailed Chip to ask if he might still interested in looking at the project.

He said yes.

And now, here it is several months later, Chip is my agent, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be part of the team represented by MacGregor Literary.

In between these happenings, I was invited to be one of the authors to take part in the launch of a new app called Snippet with Finding Mommy Bliss…

READ MORE OF THE STORY over at Chip Macgregor’s blog today!





To get your copy of Finding Mommy Bliss (with 20 practical tips for finding happiness that any mom can follow), simply download the free Snippet App and you’ll find it in the Snippet library for just $1.99!