So you want to be a writer?

Only two more days until the SCBWI Conference! I’m looking forward to it.

I thought I’d put up the post below since it’s about how my writing journey began. Enjoy!

*Post below originally published February, 2010.

So you want to be a writer?

I sat there at a conference listening to Sheila Walsh speak.

She shared a story about a woman who had come up to her and said she wished she could be a writer like Sheila was.

When I heard that, my heart stirred.

Because I wanted to be a writer, too.

When I was a kid, I use to enter my poems in poetry contests.

I wrote stories that got published in a little anthology my school district printed.

And in high school, my favorite classes were English Literature and Writing.

So how was it that years later, sitting at that conference, I found myself so far away from what I loved?

After going to college, getting my MBA, working at HP for several years, and then making the decision to stay be a stay-at-home mom, I felt a new tug on my heart.

The distance from the corporate world, and the time I was able to spend reading children’s books to my daughter had reawakened my long-quieted passion for writing.

I dreamed of writing a book, but having been away from writing for so long, my dream seemed far off.

As Sheila talked about that woman who dreamed the same thing, I sat on the edge of my seat.

And when she shared what she told her, it really hit me.

Just startshe said. Whether it’s five minutes a day, or ten. Just start writing. And then you are a writer.

It was one of the most freeing things I’d ever heard.

I didn’t have to long to be a writer. Or dream of it. I didn’t have to imagine what it would be like, or worry that I’d already missed my chance.

All I had to do was start.

And so I did.

Between diapers and potty training and play dates,

between preschool and doctor appointments and swim lessons,

I researched

and read

and started to write.

Sometimes I wrote ten minutes a day because that’s all I had.

Sometimes, on days when the kids took long naps, I wrote more.

It wasn’t easy.

But nothing worthwhile is.

And years later, after many rejections, and on the heels of my first book contracts, I’m more thankful than ever for Sheila’s words at that Women of Faith conference

just start.

So if you’re in the same place I was, wishing you could be a writer (or wishing something else)…

just start.

And then you will be.  :)

p.s. Do you want to write a children’s book? Read my post here to find out more. And if you’re interested in checking out some writing resources and links, pop over to my website. I’ve got a bunch listed there. :)

p.p.s. Kindly “share” this post your friends and networks by clicking on my FB, twitter, or share buttons below. I’ll always try to return the favor. Thank you!


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