Three things our kids need to hear us say – Week 1

Words are powerful.

Especially the words of a mom.

They can lift our kids up,

or they can break them down.

They can give them the courage to make mistakes (or admit mistakes),

or they can fill them with fear and uncertainty.

They can help our kids to believe in themselves,

or they can cause them to doubt the very person they were created to be.

I’m sure we all remember things our own mom said that encouraged us in some way and made a big difference,

or things that still hurt when we think about them.

And I’m sure we’ve all said something to our own kids that we’ve regretted at one time or another.


They heal.

They scar.

They change lives.

I’m starting a new series here on Mom-Mondays for the next few weeks where I’ll be sharing three things our kids need to hear us say. Nothing earth-shattering, and not rocket science – just everyday things that can make a difference.

Because, often, it’s those everyday things that do make a difference.

Let’s gather together and be reminded (myself included) to breathe hope and encouragement into our kids through our words…

Three things our kids need to hear us say:

1.  “It’s okay. I’ve made mistakes too.”

2.  “I don’t know the answer, but we can look into that together.”

3.  “You can do it. I believe in you.”

What about you? What have you been saying to your kids lately? Take a minute and share your thoughts. 


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  1. Love the post!! The power of our words is so so impactful on our children. I know I have been really trying to build up my son in a way I was not built up as a child. I will be back next Monday!!

  2. Hm, I was hoping these would be things like, "pick up these toys!" and "Hurry up! Get your shoes on! Let's go!" Then I'd be right on track…

  3. You know what Genny…I think even some of us adult need to hear those words…especially #3!!!

  4. I'm looking forward to these upcoming posts. Hope you're doing well.Peace and blessings.Jeanine

  5. Oh Genny I love this! I always tell my children before they walk out the door for school, I love them, have a great day, make good decisions. We have talked before a good decision can be to tell someone thank you for helping me, when to talk and when not to, when to ask someone to play ball at recess. I can't wait to see the upcoming posts.

  6. Thanks, Ladies. And, Cindy, I agree… everyone can use these words at one time or another!

  7. Very well said!! I agree completely with all three of those, and I'm always trying to be better about saying them. Thank you for the encouragement.

  8. Pingback: The power of (a mom’s) words :: Genny Heikka

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