Great links and websites for writers

Just sharing some writing links and websites today…

Because of our sports schedule this summer with swim team and soccer, I wasn’t able to go to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference in Los Angeles a couple weeks ago. (It’s a great conference; I had such a fun time last year and all the other years I’ve gone.) If you write for children and didn’t go to the conference either, you can still stop by the official SCBWI Conference Blog and read all about it. The team of bloggers did an awesome job capturing everything! You can also read PW’s recap of the conference here.

Some other good reads for writers (in the children and adult genre)…

Literary Agent Chip MacGregor has written several posts lately that I wanted to share:

Finding Your Writing Voice

Do I need an agent?

Basic Information About Agents

Also, over at The Most Important Question(s) in Storytelling and the Ensuing Two Questions That Allow You to Answer. 

At Literary Agent Rachelle Gardner’s blog: What is Writer’s Voice?  and How do Agents and Publishers Make Decisions?

Children’s Author Verla Kay has an awesome message board for children’s writers and illustrators.

And last, if you haven’t subscribed to Literary Agent Nathan Bransford’s blog, I recommend doing so. There’s a wealth of writing and industry information over there.

What about you? What kind of writing do you do (blog? books? freelance?), and what writing websites or blogs do you find helpful? Take a minute and share!

Happy reading! :)


  1. I love Rachelle Gardener and get so much out of her suggestions and ideas. It was nice to read your post. There were a couple of new ones there that I didn't know so that's really helpful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Following you from MBC. Come visit and follow back!Sofia

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