Christmas shopping, thanking soldiers, making each day count, and other good stuff…

1. Wow, what a week. Between a trip to San Francisco, and Christmas parties and get-togethers, it’s been craaaaazy around here. Lots of fun, too. I’ll post pictures and tell you about everything next week, when I have a minute to upload the photos to my laptop. The only glitch with all the festivities (not to mention trying to meet some writing deadlines) is that I STILL haven’t gotten my Christmas shopping done. With the exception of one online purchase, and one trip to Target with Mike for the kids, I haven’t even really started. It’s not like me to wait this long; I need to get on the ball! Please tell me you haven’t finished your shopping, either. Then I’ll feel better. :)
2. My daughter started a winter swim program recently and all I have to say is… talk about dedication! I’m amazed at these kids and coaches. The swimming is at an outdoor pool (in the freezing cold) at night (in the freezing cold). Never mind the fact that it actually snowed this week or that the parents get to sit on the bleachers and watch (in the freezing cold) for an hour (in the freezing cold) four days a week (in the freezing cold). I know, I’m a wimp. And, truthfully, I’ve loved being out there watching my daughter. Seeing all the swimmers working so hard and getting in and out of that water in this weather… I’m impressed!
3. I happened upon a post by Stephanie Nielson of the Nie Nie Dialogues that I just had to share. Stephanie survived an almost fatal plane crash last year and has made appearances on Oprah and the Today Show. Take a minute to read her post Thinking about… and be reminded of how precious each day is.
4. A friend forwarded me an email about something very cool that Xerox is doing. If you click here, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and send it to a soldier that’s currently serving in Iraq. It’s FREE and when I did it, it only took a few seconds. Click on over and let some soldiers know they are appreciated!
5. For all you bakers, stop by my friend Amanda’s site and check out her Faith Cake tutorial. She’s super talented and creative, and her cakes are amazing.
6. I got another email recently that I thought was pretty cool: The Foundation for Environmental Education and are partnering to raise awareness for a Nationwide Solar Schools Program. For every badge like this that gets posted, will donate $10.00 to the Solar Schools Program. Every 72 hours the badge updates to reflect added support. Click here if you want to get the code and join in.
7. And last, but not least, Jennifer had a great post this week titled How I researched my way into Christianity. In it, she talks about the fact that one of her biggest roadblocks for believing in any kind of spiritual realm was a lack of repeatable, systematic, observable results. She takes readers through some of the research she did and the questions she asked, not just of Christianity, but other religions as well. I love her intellectual approach and how she shares the answers she found. And I especially love what she concluded at the end of her journey, that “God is not something you prove; He is Someone you come to know.”
Have a great weekend, everyone. I’ll look forward to seeing you on Mom-Monday!
For more 7 Quick Takes, be sure and stop by Jennifer’s Conversion Diary.
Talk soon,
Is that pool heated to a nice and warm temperature?? I hope so:)
Love that last line… and I love getting to know Him better!Thanks so much for your kind words… I felt really humbled to be on this list!!… you have highlighted some amazing women and programs!!!Hope you are having so much fun and meeting all your 'fans'!!Blessings-Amanda
The Xerox card sending was fun! Thanks for posting it.Um…the pool…BRRRRRRRR!!!! An outdoor pool here would mean skating practice…not swim practice! Bundle up and stay warm and cheer on those swimmers!One last thing…ALMOST done Christmas shopping. Just a few more things to get and the kids need to be along for most of it as it's their gift-giving purchases that need to be made!Have a beautiful weekend.Peace and blessings to your day!Jeanine
Jo – the pool is around 83 degrees, which is nice. Although, last week, one day, it was 74! Brrrrr…Amanda – you are welcome!Jeanine – have a beautiful weekend too!
I posted about another way to support our military here Also, while we're doing good works, check for a way to support breast cancer awareness.
Genny — great post. I 2nd what Amanda said. It's wonderful getting to know HIM and being reminded by his forgiveness how much he loves each one of us. :)And that pool, I just can't wrap my brain around it. Eighty some degrees or not, it's the getting in and out part I wonder about. And lastly, if it makes you feel better, I have like one thing for each of my kids. I plan to do some shopping this weekend, but otherwise, I need to get crackalackin'. Also trying to remind my kids in this season of consumerism what's REALLY important!Friday HUGS!
Thanks for the link to the soldier thank you program. I did it immediately so I wouldn't forget. My oldest daughter and her husband are both in the US Navy; thankfully, they will be with us for Christmas.
What a lovely Blog!Love a fellow SITS
I was absolutely mesmerized by Nie Nie's story in the Arizona Republic. Did you read it, by chance? I read every word and cried…and was [email protected]