The story about my son and the light bulbs

I grab my purse off the counter and hurry toward the door. “Wait,” my ten-year-old says, coming down the stairs, a flashlight in his hands. I’ve gotta show you something.”…

The ultimate test of a relationship

I can hardly believe it, but in a couple of months, I’ll be a mom to a teenager. It’s such an amazing age, but I have to admit, some days…

Five Ways to Get Your Kids Exercising

Welcome to Mom-Monday. I’m glad you’re here! Today, we’re talking about exercise and how to get our kids in on the action. I’m sharing an article I wrote a while…

Feeling grateful to be a mom

Christmas is over, New Years has come and gone, and as I sit here and relish another year of holiday memories, I’m just feeling so grateful to be a mom… Making…