Braiding her hair…

She’s twelve now and she stands almost eye to eye with me. With each day, she’s becoming more independent, and more sure of herself. She likes reading and painting, swimming…

Tents and foil and lizards… oh my

Being a mom means having a tent set up in your living room, for days… Finding little balls made of foil in your son’s shower (“So I can play basketball…

Five tips for raising grateful kids

Today, I’m concluding my two-part series on gratefulness. In the first part of this series, we talked about five ways we can be more grateful as moms, and today we are…

Five ways to become a more grateful mom…

Welcome Mom-Monday, everyone!  I had so much fun talking with other moms about gratitude at the live webchat last week that I decided to do a two-part series about the topic…

An opportunity for moms!

Hi everyone, Welcome to Mom-Monday! Today, I wanted to share an opportunity with you… I’ve told you before how inspiring I think the show The Biggest Loser is. (I was so happy that Olivia won the…

Maybe the most important thing that I will ever write

Lately, whenever I’m able to carve out some time to write, I’ve been struggling with which projects to work on. I have several things I’m finishing up or revising, and some new projects I’ve recently started too….