A great giveaway–just in time for the holidays!

My blogging friend Robin from Around the Island–who happens to be an accomplished fine art and nature photographer–has recently begun making photoverse prints. The prints combine her photography with verses,…

The Perfect Pumpkin(s)…

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and had a great time. It was a perfect Fall day: crisp, a little cloudy, but beautiful. The kids had fun riding…

Signs of fall…

It’s finally cooling off where I’m at in California and I’m loving it! I have such fall-fever. I found a great price on pumpkins (at Walmart) the other day and…

A new use for silly putty

My kids found a new use for silly putty around here. The other night when I went into my daughter’s room, instead of a note on her whiteboard like she…

Shop a little, read a little, watch a little…

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you had a great week. I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous things I wanted to share, so I’m joining Jennifer in Seven Quick Takes today……

Our weekend in Napa…

Mike and I celebrated our 15th anniversary in Napa a few weekends ago. (We used to go there a lot before we had the kids, but hadn’t been in a while.)…