How do I raise grateful kids?

It’s a question many parents think about. I know I do. As a mom, one of the things that’s most important to me is raising kids who are thankful for what…

The SCBWI Conference

The SCBWI conference I told you about a couple weeks ago turned out great. We had an incredible lineup of speakers and about 175 writers and illustrators, all gathered together in one…

What are your favorite parenting books?

I recently got a question from one of my blogging friends, Stephanie over at Metropolitan Mama. I love what she asked and I’m looking forward to hearing what your answer to…

Who is your Sherpa?

I recently opened a journal my friend Lisa gave me and read what she’d written on the inside cover… It made me smile. I remembered when she’d given it to me,…

This Little Prayer of Mine…

As a mom, I love seeing my kids’ faith grow. I love hearing how their prayers have changed from memorized toddler bedtime prayers (“Now I lay me down to sleep…”) to prayers of their…

Little Too Toot Squirrel?

It’s been a busy week around here. So I thought I’d share something I already wrote. A long time ago. Remember when I told you that some of my stories got published in…

So you want to be a writer?

I sat there at a conference listening to Sheila Walsh speak. She shared a story about a woman who had come up to her and said she wished she could be a writer…

A fun time in the city

Sorry for all the photos lately, but I wanted to share a couple of pictures from the Kirtsy book launch and signing in San Francisco. (Just ignore the fact that…