Our weekend in Napa…

Mike and I celebrated our 15th anniversary in Napa a few weekends ago. (We used to go there a lot before we had the kids, but hadn’t been in a while.) It was so much fun.

The grapevines were lush and green,

the countryside was gorgeous,

and we had a lot of fun visiting different wineries like the historic Frank Family Vineyards (the best one there, in our opinion, and the cutest too)…

We also went to race car driver Mario Andretti’s winery.

The architecture was beautiful,

and the people were really friendly. When we went inside and saw a photo of Mario Andretti standing next to a yellow Lamborghini, we told one of the staff how much our son would love seeing it (he loves cars, especially yellow ones). The man turned around, went in the back room, and came out with the exact same photo for us to take home. It was really nice.

The whole trip was full of fun surprises like that…  

It turned out that the Raiders football team was staying at the same hotel we were, so we got to see some of the players coming and going and we walked by Al Davis in the hallway one night (not that I’m a football fan or anything–because I’m not–but Mike thought it was fun).

For dinner, we were lucky enough to get reservations at Chef Morimoto’s (the Iron Chef) new restaurant in Napa:

The food was amazing, the atmosphere was modern and fun, and we had an incredible time.

The whole trip was great. We are already talking about when we can go again! :)

What about you? Have you ever been to Napa, California?

For more “Wordful” / Wordless Wednesday, stop by Angie’s Seven Clown Circus or 5MinutesforMom.


  1. First Happy Anniversary! It looks like your weekend in Napa was the perfect way to celebrate.But the Raiders….Booohisss. :) Sorry, as a San Diegan I had to go there.

  2. Happy Anniversary — I'm so jealous! It looks like it was a fabulous trip.

  3. It really was the perfect way to celebrate–thanks!And, Michelle, you had me cracking up at your Raiders comment! :)

  4. Dee

    Happy late anniversary-those shots are great! Very beautiful!

  5. What a great weekend. I've never been to a vineyard. Must put it on my list of things to do. Happy anniversary. Loved your post at Angie's today.

  6. Ha ~~ I just posted about my own trip to Cali last weekend. Yes, living in Cali we have definitely been to Napa Valley – Beautiful and Love it!So glad you were able to get away and enjoy some time.So great about the picture. Did he love it?Blessings

  7. Happy 15th Anniversary! My husband and I have not been since having children (it's been 5.5 years). Oh how we would love to do it. I think we need to start planning very soon. It looks so beautiful. So glad you had a wonderful time.

  8. Happy anniversary! Napa is one of the things we miss most after moving from Cali to Ohio. Your photos bring back such amazing memories.

  9. yes we have been and we talk all the time about returning, one of the best places we have visited and yet it was only for a day.

  10. Happy Anniversary. I have never been to Napa but it is a place I really long to visit, provided some day my husband and I can do so without our daughter. Seeing your beautiful photos only makes me want to go there even more.Glad you had a wonderful celebratory weekend.

  11. Happy Anniversary! Oh my word what a beautiful way to spend celebrating your love! Napa looks amazing and sounds like everyone was very nice! AWESOME pics!

  12. Looks like you had a wonderful time. I have heard Napa is beautiful and I would love, Love, LOVE to visit there sometime. Until then…I will vicariously through you!Peace and blessings to your day!Jeanine

  13. Happy Anniversary! Wow, Fabulous place. Nope never been there, but now I want to go! Thanks for sharing such wonderful pics. Already follow you. Happy WW

  14. Hi! Stopping by via 5M4M!Wow! Napa!! What a beautiful place! Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful place to celebrate!!Hope to be back by to visit again soon!

  15. Looks like such a wonderful time!! Happy Anniversary (a little late!)! My Dad and I drove to Napa when he visited in April, but didn't know what we were doing and ended up in town for a bit, then ran out of time to head to the wineries because we had to get back in time to pick up the kiddo from school. Oh well – we had a nice lunch!Hubs and I will get over there sometime soon. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  16. congratulations on your anniversary. WOW. I love your photos. and I can't believe you went to that restaurant what a treat.

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