Exciting news! Finding Mommy Bliss in the new Snippet App

Hi everyone,

I’m so excited to announce that my book Finding Mommy Bliss is coming out soon via the new Snippet App! 


It’s been really fun to be one of the authors in this new app’s launch and to work with the amazing Bamboo Creative (the creators of Snippet).

The scoop on Snippet: It’s a new app that will be available as a free download in the app store and it provides a new kind of multimedia reading experience for titles in its library–sort of like a cross between a book and a blog. (So along with the text in Finding Mommy Bliss, as you read it on an iPad or iPhone, there will also be photos you can view, audio and video clips, and other interactive features–so fun!)

The scoop on Finding Mommy Bliss: We all want to be happy moms, right? But it’s not always easy. Parenting can be chaotic, stressful, and complicated. There are temper tantrums and sibling squabbles. There is self-doubt and frustration, even fear and uncertainty. But there is also laughter and love… and, yes, even bliss. Finding Mommy Bliss is filled with stories and 20 practical tips that will help you find the bliss in being a mom (even when it’s hiding under mountains of laundry!)

You can watch the introduction video here:

So when is this all going to happen?

I was up until midnight several nights last week feverishly getting the final revisions done to my manuscript, and it’s now finished. Bamboo Creative is working just as feverishly getting Snippet ready to go live in the app store, and all of this should happen in the next couple of weeks.

To stay tuned on the Snippet launch and Finding Mommy Bliss availability, be sure to connect with me on twitter and Facebook. I’ll definitely be keeping you posted! I can’t wait to share more with you.

p.s. For more information and resources on Finding Mommy Bliss, you can find out more or catch up here. I’ve also been speaking a lot about the topic lately; if you’re looking for speakers for your moms groups, I’d love to hear from you! You can visit my speaking page here.

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