Lessons from a 13 year old’s bucket list…
My daughter started the summer by writing a bucket list of all the things she wants to do.
I don’t know where she got the idea, or how she even learned about bucket lists, but she spent over two hours writing it and coloring it, then proudly taped it on her wall.
As the weeks have passed, she’s been checking things off.
Things like “Use a fake name at Starbucks.” (When she ordered a drink and told the girl who was taking her order that her name was Hermioni from Harry Potter, the girl cracked up and sweetly wrote the name on the cup. When the drink was ready and they called out, “Hermioni,” everyone behind the counter laughed.)
And other things like: “Have a whipped cream fight,” (which she and her friends did on the last day of school), “Stay up all night,” (which she and her best friend did a few weeks ago, unfortunately keeping me up all night too!), and “Have a Disney movie marathon” (which–can I just say–I was so happy about. It was fun to watch Nemo and Cinderella and Aladdin again. With an 11 and 13 year old in the house, we don’t get to do that anymore!)
It’s been great seeing my daughter create memories.
And her list has inspired me too…
The other night, I went into her room to check on her.
She was sound asleep.
As I stood there by her bed, I found myself reading through her bucket list on the wall, realizing I hadn’t yet read the whole thing…
And the next thing I knew, I was crying.
Because some of the things on her list tugged at my heart and really struck me.
They were so good and wise,
not just for a 13 year old,
but for anyone.
Things like #23:
and # 25:
I love it when the perspective of our kids jumps out at us like that and teaches us.
And I loved the reminder that her list gave me to live life to its fullest and keep a sense of adventure along the way.
Who knows, I might even start to use it as my own bucket list. :)
Well, at least most of it.
I think I’ll pass on throwing a pie in someone’s face,
and tasting every flavor of “slushi” that Sonic has, lol!
Have a great day, moms!
p.s. What about you? Do you have a bucket list? Take a minute to share some things from it. You never know who you will inspire!
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Oh I love it! Your daughter is very fun and wise! I don’t have a bucket list. Not sure why I’ve ever made one. Might be a good challenge. Have a beautiful week my friend!
Her list made me realize I need to be more fun, lol! Sometimes I get so serious… I loved her silly “to-do’s.” You have a beautiful week too, Barbie!
Genny, this is precious! I don’t have a bucket list, but a friend in Iowa told me last week that I am on her daughter’s bucket list. This precious little 9 year old wants to meet me one day. Do you know how it makes you feel to be mentioned on someone’s bucket list!!! But, that made me think…my name is written on another list…and one day because of my inclusion on that list, I’m going to walk streets of gold, and live in a mansion prepared just for me. Kinda makes all these other earthly desires pale in comparison. :-) Your daughter’s list is sweet, and is challenging me to LIVE today.
Hugs and blessings,
Joy – that is SO precious! Thank you for sharing. What a sweet little girl, and you ARE an inspiration! Hugs!